Wheelchair-Accessible Netherlands Tours
Wheelchair-accessible Netherlands tours are available through AmsterdaMobile (amsterdamobile.com/en/), a Dutch travel agency that was established in 2019. These tours are customized to each participant’s needs and interests, and many tours utilize wheelchair-accessible taxis. Other tours are barrier-free walking and rolling tours, which meet at agreed upon starting points. The agency can also arrange for accessible transfers, hotel reservations and the rental of mobility aids. Favorite accessible Amsterdam tours include a visit to the Van Gough Museum or an Amsterdam Canal cruise. Accessible tours to neighboring cities, including Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, Delft and Leiden are also available. And they can also arrange an accessible tour to the colorful Keukenhof Gardens, in season. The AmsterdaMobile website includes a full description of all the wheelchair-accessible Netherlands tours, along with detailed access information. For more information about AmsterdaMobile call +31 6 15204812 or fill out the form on their website.