Kings Canyon National Park

Located in the Central California Sierras, Kings Canyon National Park is just a short drive from Sequoia National Park. It’s composed of two distinct regions — Grant Grove and Cedar Grove. These two regions are connected by the Kings Canyon Scenic Byway, which runs through a section of the Sequoia National Forest between them. Grant Grove is known for its giant sequoias, while Cedar Grove boasts some magnificent granite canyons. And both areas feature an abundance of wildlife and some spectacular windshield views.

Insider Tips

  • For a bird’s eye view of the park, head up to Panoramic Point. The two-mile road to the viewpoint is located on the far side of the visitor center parking lot. Just follow the signs to John Muir Lodge, and make a sharp right just before you reach the lodge. At the end of the one-lane winding road there’s accessible parking and a paved path out to the viewpoint, which also offers a glance at Hume Lake, Spanish Mountain and Mt. Goddard in the distance. It’s definitely worth the short walk.
  • Grant Grove Cabins offers a nicely accessible rustic cabin, which is furnished with two queen-sized beds and includes a covered patio with a picnic table and a small wood stove. An accessible bathhouse, with family restrooms and a roll-in shower, is located nearby. It’s a nice choice for folks who enjoy nature, but don’t really want to pitch a tent.
  • Grizzly Falls Picnic Area, which is located along the Kings Canyon Scenic Byway, makes an excellent lunch stop. A short paved loop leads from the parking area to several accessible picnic tables on cement pads. As an added bonus, there’s a great view of the falls from any of the picnic tables and even the parking area.

Kings Canyon National Park Itineraries

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